Andrássy Thermal Hotel Jászapáti - Thermal and Wellness Hotel in Jászapáti at discount prices

Hotel a Budapest

The Andrássy Thermal Hotel Jászapáti can be found 100 kms away from Budapest, close to the Jászapáti Thermal Spa. The hotel is open the whole year and awaits its guest with 37 partly air conditioned rooms. The Andrássy Thermal Hotel is the perfect venue of business meetings and conferences as well.

Andrássy Thermal Hotel Jászapáti - Thermal and Wellness Hotel in Jászapáti at discount prices - ✔️ Andrássy Thermal Hotel*** Jászapáti - Special Thermal and Wellness Hotel in Hungary->

Andrássy Thermal Hotel Jászapáti - Thermal and Wellness Hotel in Jászapáti at discount prices

-✔️ Andrássy Thermal Hotel*** Jászapáti - Special Thermal and Wellness Hotel in Hungary-

5130, Jászapáti, Gyöngyvirág út 20-24

Szobafoglalás phone: +36-1-227-9614

Szobafoglalás fax: +36-1-227-9614

Szobafoglalás Email: Hotel E-mail

✔️ Andrássy Thermal Hotel*** Jászapáti - Special Thermal and Wellness Hotel in Hungary

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